I am digging it big time. This is the title of the new media ad that the LDS church is doing in a few cities across the United States. It is through the radio, billboard, t.v. ads, magazine ads, (I saw one in Time magazine) and moving billboards. I was able to see church headquarters' explanation and the commercials in my sister Rachel's ward this Sunday, and it makes me want to (finally)be a missionary. So on my flight home yesterday I promised I would try and start a conversation with one of the people I was sitting next to, and since Miss Snooze on my left was asleep even before lift off, I chose an older gentleman on my right. I have never been so scared in my life. I listened to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir for 45 minutes to give me some strength and tried at least 10 times to start a conversation. FINALLY, I said, "So, do you happen to be LDS?" Answer: "Yes, in fact I am a bishop". Oh my loveness, I cracked up. We talked for a long while and that was the extent of my "every member a missionary" experience. Some of the "questions of the soul" which are on the ad campaign are as follows, (and the answers-which are so foreign to me that other's don't know them-are found on www.mormon.org):
1)Does God really know me?
2)What's the purpose of this life?
3)Does God have more to teach us?
4)Could a young farm boy really have seen God?
5)Isn't everyone searching for the truth?
6)What's missing in my life?
7)God has a plan for my life?
8)Motherhood is part of God's plan?
9)How can I find answers to my life's questions?
10)Does life have to be painful?
11)Does God have more for me?
12)I can be married forever?
13)Does God care about my suffering?
14)Did I exist before this life?
15)What happens to people who've never heard of Jesus Christ?