Friday, January 08, 2010

A moody and emotional story.

At last years Women's Conference-which I went to with my mom and sisters- I learned (gently) from them that I have moody moods and am sometimes emotional. Apparently I am a girl! :) I just wouldn't acknowledge it. (Thanks girls.)
So now my story. I was alone last night with a husband-at-school and was a little tired a.k.a a little moody with my children. Some yelling, some harshness. Not the greatest feeling when you are going to bed later. So this morning I (again) tried to do better. As I dropped them off at school the Mormon Tabernacle Choir was in my c.d player and they were singing "I'm Trying to be Like Jesus" (which is one of their best). I just knew I was doing my best and trying trying trying. I of course bawled with the love I felt (there's the emotion!) and told my dear babies how I love them with everything I got and then some. It was a great car ride. "Awww, come on Mom! Your embarrassing us!" (As they got out of the car.) I love those children dearly.