Thursday, March 08, 2012

Sweet sweet sweet

Today was busy. Ellie to Dilliards, Mason to preschool, Hailey to Target, Tyler to Midway, dinner, homework, cleaning, parenting, disciplining, my school, etc. But at 3:30 I had about an hour of nothing to do. I decided I would invite Emma in my room and just listen. And woah did I listen. She just talked forever about the most random stuff, and merged into a storywithoutanending about ducks, fairies and a parade. As much as I enjoyed it I wrapped things up by taking a few pictures of her....

(But it was worth the time. After I got home from school at 11:15pm I had a note on my bed:
"gnit! Mom. I love you. Love emma")

Goodnight to you, too...

(P.S. Sometimes Tyler and Mason sleep on the couches. I checked on them tonight and found them asleep on the same couch. Look at their hands. :)