Monday, January 06, 2014

Fwd: [Harris Headquarters] Thankful for the little things

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From: Rachel <>
Date: January 6, 2014 at 1:04:25 PM MST
Subject: [Harris Headquarters] Thankful for the little things

So....Jack is really bad on airplanes. I think he knows that he can get away with murder and get whatever he wants because we work so desperately to prevent him from screaming and turning into a beast....which makes him scream and turn into a beast. Despite him being grounded from traveling, we decided that a Stucki family Thanksgiving in Indiana was worth the bad, bad four hours in each direction on the plane. Here, he is "helping" me pack for the trip by pulling everything out of the suitcases as soon as I put them in. 

Maddie and the Stucki boys, on the other hand, get gold stars for being very good travelers.

It's kind of awesome how easy holidays are with my family. Kristina and Jamie love to cook, Stacey and Candace are amazing with the kids, and my mom and I are clean freaks. We each did our part and the day went so easily. I will wash dishes and clean the counters to avoid cooking or playing candyland any day.

My mom forced Josh to attempt his family recipe of orange jello with cheese in it. I know. Weird, right? He did his best, but only the bravest of the Stuckis tried it. Although the jello was not a success, Josh is freaking handsome in this picture and I love his hat and his blue eyes and his beard and his preppy style and how proud he is of his orange jello with cheese in it. 

Kid table

The grown ups snuck out for a late night movie to see Hunger Games in our pajamas. One of these days I will figure out how to not look homeless in cold weather, and also to not pack calf length pants when it is butt cold outside. My shins were frozen.  :o) 

Words don't do justice for this day. The pictures do a good job of capturing the magical fun we had there.

Posted By Rachel to Harris Headquarters at 1/06/2014 12:04:00 PM