Thursday, March 19, 2009

Agriculture and Culture

In an effort to eat more healthy and be more self-reliant, Nathan and I, (and numerous children: ours and neighbors) planted a garden on Saturday. It was the happiest feeling to dig in the dirt. I remember Nathan saying that his brother told him planting a garden has a very unique, exceptional feeling and that growing your own food and eating it right out of the garden makes it extra sweet.  (Regardless of whether you need it financially or not). We will see! All I know is after the kids ran off in all directions and it was only Nathan and I in our quiet backyard finishing up, we looked at each other and said how good it felt to be "playing" in the dirt and creating yummy stuff. We have apple trees, plums, cherries (this is "Emma's tree"!), raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, onions, carrots, peas, (hopefully we can get them half as good as Grandpa and Grandma Stucki's), rhubarb (Tyler's surprising choice), squash, cucumbers, peppers, cantaloupe and radishes. I also think this will create a good bonding time for the family. We loved planning it out all winter long.

Later that night we took the kids to see Brigadoon at the High School. We THOUGHT they were old enough to finally do things with us like this. Wrong-o. After the 2nd person moved away from us, (because of arguing, wriggling, and an unidentifiable odor,) we took them out of the car and gave them a good talking-to. It was a very serious talk, and we asked them what they did wrong:
Tyler: "I was rough on Hailey and talked too loud."
Hailey: "I was whining."
Emma: "I wriggled and passed gas."

Well, THAT serious talk turned into tears running down our faces and dying with laughter. That girl....

Lastly, we got free tickets to go see the USU Ballroom Dance Company. I took Hailey on a one-on-one date and just listened. That. girl. loves. to. talk! We had a great time at Burger King where she decided on a Hershey Pie AND an Oreo shake. (What's wrong with that?!)

We ran into a good friend and her daughter which made the performance all the more fun. Hailey got to stay up late with Mom and danced in the back of the auditorium. Very very nice evening.