Friday, March 27, 2009

Things I am digging.

a) Nonni's Biscotti. I had to find a replacement for my dang Girl Scout Frozen Samoa Cookie Addiction, and these are approved as a "bestlife treat". I have had TWO come-home-from-the-gym-starving Samoa binges this week. grrr (what a waste of the gym.) These are light and tasty, and more importantly, low in fat calories.

b) American Idol's Adam Lambert. This is the first season Nathan and I have watched it, and we are loving Adam's falsetto.

c) Our clean bedroom. I am gearing up to paint the walls a nice taupe so I completely cleaned from top to bottom. It is so nice to escape the constant house mess. Especially Sunday nights when it looks like a tornando hit. Please, never visit us on a Sunday night.