Wednesday, December 15, 2010


*Up with the early birds this morning. I love when Hailey comes in at 10:30 last night after bedtime and says "I have a diahrama due tomorrow". (That looks too close to diarrhea. Not sure how to spell that.) So this morning we were cutting out little bald witches with big noses for "The Witches" by Roald Dahl. Great book.
*Read 3rd Nephi and had to look for candy ornaments on the tree. The kids are loving the envelopes they get to open every night. But I think we are a day behind. hmmm...
*Tyler had a basketball game last night. Jr. Jazz and Traveling Team at the same time. He spent his allowance money on a Nike "sleeve" that is just a rubber sleeve on the arm. We aren't sure if it is cool to wear one or two, but he only had enough money for one. He could be starting a trend I suppose...
*Mason and I are having a running dialog on "Toy Story underwear" that he is getting from Santa Claus. Potty Training time starts Dec. 26th. (Except he calls it "Story time underwear.".ha ha :)